Original Christianity dot Net is a website about original Christianity, the Christianity practiced by the first-century church. Containing a blog, articles, and other resources OriginalChristianity.net provides an opportunity to look at the origins of Christianity from a believer’s perspective thousands of years after it began.
In those thousands of years, there have been numerous councils, creeds, movements, authors, and other influences that have shaped Christianity into what it is today. Some are satisfied with their church and their understanding of the faith. But for many, the innumerable influences have complicated Christianity with opposing doctrines and countless divisions in the church. These brave souls wrestle with what Christianity is. Like so many of the great people who have shaped the faith, from Augustine to Luther to Barth, these people question, probe, explore and pray for a better and deeper understanding of what it means to follow Christ.
A common theme for many believers and churches is to get back to “original Christianity,” or to be a “first-century” church. Some call this being a biblically-based church or a New Testament church. This theme of getting back to the original, of restoring the first-century faith to believers now is the aim of this site.
A Note about the Conventions
Scriptures, unless noted otherwise, come from the ASV version. I use the ASV because it is a good version, and it is out of copyright. There is also extensive use of the WEB version because of the freedom to publish its verses. However, numerous references are made with other versions where the clarity of the meaning of the text is more obvious.
I include numerous footnotes. Some people are turned off by this. If you are one of them I ask for your indulgence. In my opinion, too many statements in religious writings are made where it isn’t obvious where the reasoning came from. As a student, almost all of my reasonings and conclusions are based on work done by others. It is important to give them credit and to give the reader the chance to view the source material for verification and further study.
Loved the article about church unity – real church unity. Recently, I have really felt the Lord is saying to not compromise on the Word by fellowshipping with brethren that are not teaching and discipling according to all that is in the New Testament re doctrine and tradition. I find myself in that rare category of head-covering pentecostal… a lonely place to be. I often wonder what we’re going to look like when Jesus returns, it s this is good as we get? Maybe, but it’s comforting to realize others care similarly about this issue of unity in doctrine and tradition.
Thank you!