
The following dates and/or activities are referred to in articles on OriginalChristianity.Net.

Some dates are approximate and/or disputed. Nevertheless, the timeline gives a sense of how things developed.

The source for the date is given to the right of the table. If there are multiple sources they will be separated by a comma in both columns for source and page. The first pages refer to the first source etc. Check back periodically as this is a work in progress and updates are planned as new articles are posted. Some sources may be listed in the entry itself.

2nd Century
Council of Nicea
The Reformation
20th Century
Legend of Sources


Date Source page
40th Century BC Satan deceives Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and sin enters the world. 10
2298 BC The Flood 10
2297 BC The Curse of Canaan 10
1847 BC Abraham called and the Covenant is made. The fulfillment of Canaan’s curse as Canaan is promised to Abraham’s line. 10
1446 BC The Exodus 10
15th Century BC The Giving of The Law on Mt Sinai 10
15th Century BC The Jews begin the Oral Tradition of the Talmud. Citing the Law as insufficient Jewish leaders begin an oral tradition that becomes the law that they enforce. This is referred to as the traditions of the Jews in the Gospels. 10
8th Century BC Jonah prophesies in Ninevah 10
490 BC Heraclitus of Ephesus views creation as the result of an all-penetrating reason, which is probably the germ of the concept of the Logos in Greek Philosophy 2 4
470-399 BC Socrates taught that man’s morals were the most important object of investigation. Right action is prime, resulting in natural virtue. 2 5
427-347 BC Plato emphasized that ideas were the realm of the soul, and the cause of phenomena, and that good rules the world.  Important are truth, beauty, and goodness. 2 5
384-322 BC Aristotle teaches that man is not only body and soul, but also has a divine spark of the Logos which is immortal 2 6
342-270 BC Epicurus taught that happiness if the highest aim of man. Himself an ascetic, Epicurus’ philosophy was adapted by some to mean overindulgence. Epicurus’ preferred action was withdrawal from disturbance. 2 6
300 BC Euhemerus taught that the gods of old religions were deified men. 2 6
260 BC Stoicism teaches a great ethical system in a modified view of Heraclitus and can be considered a religion. It teaches that there is the universal indwelling reason (Logos) of which our reason is part. This is God in us. We should follow reason (over happiness and self-indulgence) as our sole pursuit. All people, regardless of class or station, are free moral agents, and significantly, brothers in this life. Stoicism was thriving in Tarsus in the time of Paul. 2 7
1-6 BC Jesus Christ was born 1 913
4 BC Herod dies 1 913
6 AD Judea becomes Roman Province 1 913
29 AD Jesus begins his ministry. 2 19
29 AD Jesus, the apostles and disciples were Jews and as such were what was later to be called Unitarian. Christianity was from its beginning Unitarian, although that term was not invented until the 1600s. While Trinitarians might not concede that Jesus, the first disciples, and the early generations of Christians were Unitarian, it is generally acknowledged that from the outset Chrisianity was not Trinitarian, “This belief (of Unitarianism) in some form and of varying degree ‘has accompanied Christianity from the beginning in one of its forms’. Trinitarianism at this point is unheard of. 2, 9 12 , see reference 9
18-37 Caiaphas is High Priest 1 914
26 John the Baptist starts his ministry 1 914
27 Jesus Christ starts his ministry 1 914
27 Jesus confronts the Pharisees and other religious leaders for voiding the Word of God by their traditions Mark 7:6-13
30 Jesus Christ dies, is resurrected, and ascends to Heaven 4 13
30 Pentecost, the initial outpouring of the holy spirit occurs fifty days after Jesus, the Passover lamb, is sacrificed 4 13
34 Stephen becomes the first martyr. 4 34
36 Saul, later Paul, has a vision on the road to Damascus 4 26
40 Simon Magus, a Gnostic, attempts to buy the power of God in Acts 8 1 914
43 Armenia reportedly is evangelized by Thaddeus 4 61
46-48 Paul’s first missionary journey 1 96
48 Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 1 96
49-52 Paul’s second missionary journey 1 96
50-62 Paul writes to the Church 1 915
52 India is reportedly evangelized by Thomas 4 63
60-62 Paul in Rome 1 915
63 Peter in Rome (if he actually went to Rome) 1 915
64 Nero fiddles during the great fire in Rome 1 915
65-70 Paul writes Pastoral Epistles 1 915
66-74 First Jewish War 1 915
70 Docetism appears. (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Docetism) Docetism is the belief that while Jesus appeared, he didn’t have a physical body.
70 Jerusalem falls 1 916
74 Masada falls 1 916
75 Antioch, Rome, and Ephesus are chief centers of Christianity 2
75-80 Synoptic gospels were written 1 916
79 Vesuvius erupts 1 916
80-90 Letter to Hebrews written 1 916
90 Gospel of John and Johannine epistles written 1 917
93 Josephus writes Antiquities of the Jews 1 917
93-97 1 Clement Written. Clement quotes the Old Testament as the word of God. Clement quotes New Testament writings without qualifying them as God’s Word. Two notable doctrinal developments are developed in the epistle, the distinction between laity and clergy (sacerdotalism) and apostolic succession which emphasized the authority of bishops as the rulers of the church. 2 59
95 The book of Revelation written 1 917
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100 Epistle of James written 2
100-120 2 Peter Written 1 917
100-140 Prophets were found in Rome as late as the time of Hermas. Hermas wrote the Shepherd which was read alongside the Gospels, including the Gospel of Barnabas in services 2 37, 40
110-117 Epistles of Ignatius were written. The Catholic movement starts whereby all churches everywhere are universally (“catholicly”) under the hierarchy of the bishops who are declared to be the replacement for the apostles and prophets. 2 40
110-140 Bishop Papias of Hierapolis writes that he eagerly awaits times when he can listen to one of the Lord’s disciples to come by because he said, “For I considered that I should not get so much advantage from matter in books as from the voice which yet lives and remains.” (date from http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/papias.html)
111-113 Pliny the Younger writes to Trajan about how to deal with Christians. 4 36
131 Barnabas was written. 2 37
135-160 Gnosticism is at the height of its influence 2 51
136 Valentinus, a Gnostic teacher, arrives in Rome 4 42
143 Marcion writes The Contradictions 1 919
144 Marcion is excommunicated 4 42
150 Justin Martyr wrote First Apology 4 75
150 The first great Christian school of higher learning, the Catechetical school of higher learning, was established in Alexandria, the greatest city of the ancient Mediterranean world. 4 46
2nd-century Charismatic activity and Theology Justin Martyr argues that God has transferred the gift of prophecy and miracles from Judaism to the Church.
Justin Martyr speaks of the subordination of the Son. No one has heard of the trinity at this point. Unitarianism (God is unity, not a trinity (3 persons) is the doctrine taught.
“Unitarianism as a theological movement began much earlier in history; indeed it antedated trinitarianism by many decades. Christianity derives from Judaism, and Judaism was strictly Unitarian.” (Encyclopedia Americana, volume 27, 1956, P. 2941, quoted in The Doctrine of the Trinity, Anthony F. Buzzard and Charles F. Hunting, Atlanta Bible College and Restoration Fellowship, 1990 P. 19)
3, 8 1227, 695
2nd Century Irenaeus, Hippolytus, and Tertullian write about various gifts and miracles including prophecy, discerning of spirits, raising people from the dead, gifts of healing, and receiving revelations. 3 1227
153 The Gospels are read alongside the Old Testament prophets in the services in Rome. 2 57
153 Justyn Martyr wrote Second Apology 1 921
165 Polycarp is martyred 1 919
156 Montanus proclaims himself the instrument of the holy spirit. 2 56
160-170 In II Clement, which is an anonymous sermon, we have the first clear instance of apostolic writings elevated to the status of Scripture. 2 59
160 Montanism is proclaimed by the bishops of Asia Minor as heresy. Nevertheless, the movement spreads. 2 56
165 Polycarp is martyred 1 919
165 Hippolytus, the anti-pope, is born 4 31
175 Tatian’s Diatessaron, the synthesization of the 4 gospels into one is written. It becomes very popular. 4 31
180 Irenaeus writes Against the Heresies 4 75
185 Irenaeus writes that the apostles did not preach until they had the “perfect knowledge” of the gospel. 2 57
185 Irenaeus writes that the church is the depository of Christian teaching, a view that is commonly held by Catholic leaders. This is partly in response to the Gnostic claim that they held the “wisdom among the perfect”. 2 57
185-254 Origen lives in Alexandria, becomes the leader of the school there, and eventually becomes a martyr. Origen was labeled a heretic years later in Christendom for making the son inferior to the father and other doctrines.
Origen is one of the examples of early Unitarian doctrine believers who were highly respected in their time later becoming vilified by Trinitarian Catholics revising history.
4 46
200 Hippolytus claims the bishopric of Rome after disagreeing with the theology of Bishop Zephyrinus and convinces local churches to join him. 4 33
Early 3rd-century charismatic activity and theology Tertullian writes of the prophecy in the Montanists movement and provides stories with revelations and visions. However, Tertullian’s earlier writings make the first mention of such major concepts as the sacraments and the Trinity and are used by modern Orthodox theologians to “prove” that these doctrines date to earliest Christianity.  However, this first mention of the Trinity is a heretical view of the doctrine.
“In not a few areas of theology, Tertullian’s
views are, of course, completely unacceptable. Thus, for
example, his teaching on the Trinity reveals a subordination of Son to Father that in the later crass form of ARIANISM the Church rejected as heretical.” From “Tertullian”. The New Catholic Encyclopedia. 13: 837.)
While Tertullian may have been using the terms around 200 AD, he was not teaching the concepts that the later Catholic Church claims, especially of the Trinity. And, Tertullian acknowledged that “the common people have now some knowledge of Christ, and think of Him as but a man” (http://www.logoslibrary.org/tertullian/apology/21.html). This also illustrates that Unitarianism (though not yet named at that point) was still the rule of faith at that time.
3 1227
3rd Century Origen of Alexandria writes that the gifts continue to be experienced in the church. He notes healings and exorcisms with accompanying signs and wonders. 3 1064
Early 3rd Century Clement of Alexandria wrote to synchronize Christianity and pagan philosophies. He taught the it was important to go beyond the literal meaning of Scripture. According to Clement, Scripture doesn’t just say what it means. There are multiple levels, and going into these multiple levels allows you to find parallels between the philosophers, especially Plato, and Scripture. For example, Clement taught that the Plato’s Ineffable One was God, revealed in the Logos. This is a clear deviation from scriptures that teach against accepting worldly philosophies (Col 2:8) and allowing private interpretation (2 Pet 1:20) 1, 7 275, 86-87
Mid 3rd Century Gregory of Thaumaturgis is noted for incredible manifestations including prophecy, healing, and great signs and wonders. 3 1064
3rd Century Athanasius describes charismatic saints in the desert. 3 1064
301 Tiridates proclaims Christianity the official religion of Armenia 4 63
313 Constantine issues the Edict of Milan that not only is tolerant of Christians but restores their property to them without recompense. 4 49
321 Constantine declares Sunday as the day of rest for Christians. 4 55
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325 Constantine and Eusebius convene the Council of Nicea which declares that Jesus is of one substance with the Father.  This is the start of a movement to use General Councils to develop doctrine. 1 941
4th-century charismatic activity Augustine reports healings and miracles. 3 1228
354 Augustine is born. Augustine marks the beginning of the age of scholasticism. Augustine reports healings and miracles 1,3 659, 1228
357? The Council of Sirmium reverses the Nicene creed making Arius’ view the legitimate doctrine 3 949
381 The 1st Council of Constantinople; The doctrine of the Trinity is established making Jesus and the holy spirit persons of the Godhead. 1 635
397 The Catholic church created the official canon of scripture at the Council of Carthage 4 957
431 Nestorius is condemned for declaring that Mary is not the mother of God, and the “Theotokos” doctrine declares Mary as the mother of God. 4 94
451 The Council of Chalcedon. A major schism starts as the Armenian and Malankara churches split off. 4 61
6th-century charismatic activity Gregory the Great writes of healings, raising the dead to life, prophecies, and other miracles. 3 1228
11th-century charismatic activity Symeon writes of a “baptism in the Holy Spirit” and other spiritual phenomena. 3 1139
1139 Second Lateran Council banned clerical marriage and even declared priestly marriage invalid throughout the entire Catholic Church.
(See MARRIED PRIESTS FOR THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, https://today.duke.edu/2005/10/priestsoped.html#:~:text=Priests%20in%20Anglo%2DSaxon%20England,throughout%20the%20entire%20Catholic%20Church)
1176 Waldo begins the Waldenses, a movement to get back to the Bible. At first dismissed as just a group of ignorant laypeople the Catholic Church eventually sends a crusade to kill and disperse these early reformers. 2 229
1295 Pope Boniface VIII names Augustine and others as 1st Doctors of the Church, men led by the holy spirit to “formulate Christian doctrine”. While not considered infallible, they are considered to be “inspired by the Holy Spirit” and and are contributors to the “formulation” of Catholic doctrine. 6 1
12th to 14th-century charismatic activity Hildegard of Bingen is noted for prophecy, miracles, and other spiritual manifestations. 3 1228
” “ Athanasius of Constantinople is known for healing the sick, delivering the possessed, and other miracles. 3 1229
” “ Gregory Palamas is known for our the laying on of hands to bring about gifts of healing, miracles, knowledge, wisdom, tongues, and interpretation of tongues. 3 1229
” “ Bonaventure reports that Francis Assisi is empowered by the Holy Spirit. Francis manifests prophecy, casting out of devils, healing the sick, and other miracles. 3 1229
” “ Vincent Ferrer, a powerful preacher, manifests miracles, healings, and raising the dead. 3 1229
1295 Pope Boniface VIII declares Augustine and 3 others the first Doctors of the Church, men inspired by the Holy Spirit to formulate Christian doctrine 6
1326 Adam Duff of Dublin burned alive for believing in the Trinity 9
1347- The plague hits Europe. By the end of the 14th century, it had recurred five times and killed upwards of 25 million, about one-third the population of western Europe 4 163
1348 Pope Clement VI had to proclaim that the Jews were not the cause of the plague. 4 163
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1382 John Wyclif et al, predecessors to the Reformation,  have translated a Vulgate text to English and disseminated it using “poor priests” in the Lollard movement. The Archbishop of Canterbury condemns 24 Wyclifite opinions. 2 271
1415 Jan Huss was burned to death for promoting Wyclif’s views. 2 273
1517 Martin Luther posts his 95 theses challenging that papal indulgences are a corrupt practice. The papacy responds by trying to quash him. With aristocratic support, churches align with Luther and the Reformation begins. 4 187
1525 George Blauraock asks Conrad Grebel to “rebaptize” him, and the Anabaptist movement starts 2 326
1531 Michael Servetus published De Trinitas Erroribus 2 355
1536 Calvin publishes the first edition of Institutes of the Christian Religion 2 350
1551 George Van Parris executed for believing in the Trinity 9
1553 Michael Servetus was burned at the stake by Protestant authorities for his belief in Unitarianism, the doctrine that God is one person and Jesus Christ was the begotten Son of God with a beginning. 2 356
1559 Calvin publishes the final edition of Institutes of the Christian Religion 2 350
16th-century charismatic activity Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, receives visions, and tongues. 3 1229
1649 The Maryland Toleration Act allowed freedom of worship for all Trinitarian Christians in Maryland, Maryland, but it sentenced to death anyone who denied the divinity of Jesus. Opposition to the Trinity carried the death penalty for a short while on a piece of North America. (http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/documents/1600-1650/the-maryland-toleration-act-1649.php)
1650 Ussher declares the creation of the world in 4004 BC using a literal rendering of the bible and working the dates stated in the bible back to the beginning (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Ussher)
17th-century charismatic activity The Quakers are known for their “inner light.” They record visions, healings, and prophecy. 3 1230
” “ The Prophets of the Cevennes in France, Protestant resistance fighters, are noted for prophecy and tongues. 3 1230
” “ Jansenists are noted for their prophecy, healings, signs, and wonders. 3 1230
18th-century charismatic activity Jonathan Edwards in the first great awakening notes genuine workings of the spirit. 3 1230
” “ John Wesley was noted to be tolerant of followers who claimed to have dreams, visions, healings, and revelations. He calls earlier prophets a group such as the Montanists, “real, scriptural Christians.” He sought to follow the true apostolic teaching of primitive Christianity although he did consider the Anti-Nicene Fathers to be a continuation of the apostles. His Wesleyan and Methodist churches are spread around the world today albeit there have been splits. 3 1230
1825 Organized Unitarianism in the United State takes hold, before this, “the ideas peculiar to Unitarianism were being preached by an ever increasing number of the New England Clergy and laity” 9
19th-century charismatic activity The West of Scotland revival in 1830 noted prophecy, healings, tongues, and interpretation of tongues. 3 1231
” “ A B Simpson, the founder of the Christian missionary alliance, considers the possible reappearance of the gift of tongues and refers to actual occurrences in India and Africa. 3 1232
” “ Reportedly there are about 900,000 African Christians who have experienced phenomena like at Pentecost. 3 1230
19th Century Developments Liberal Christianity develops in response to Literary Criticism 5 256
Fundamentalism emerges as a response to Liberal Chrisitianity
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1906 Pentecostalism revives at the Azusa Street revival. Believers speak in tongues, prophesy, and manifest other manifestations 5 254
20th-century charismatic activity Charles F. Parham travels to Shiloh, but the main, where he hears speaking in tongues taught at a school. He begins teaching and praying for the pouring out of the spirit. Students report speaking in tongues. 3 1232
By the end of the 20th century there are numerous Pentecostal churches, and the charismatic movement in which spiritual manifestations are seen in mainline churches is widespread.

Legend of Sources

Number Source
1 THE RISE OF CHRISTIANITY, W.H.C. Frend, Fortress House, Philadelphia, 1984
2 A HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Williston Walker, Scribners, New York, 1959
4 THE STORY OF CHRISTIANITY, David Bentley Hart, Quercus, London, 2007
5 THE STORY OF CHRISTIANITY, Vol 2, Justo L Gonzalez, Harper Collins, New York, 1985
6 Catholic.org, Doctors of the Church, https://www.catholic.org/saints/doctors.php
7 THE STORY OF CHRISTIANITY, Vol 1, Justo L Gonzalez, Harper Collins, New York, 2010
8 DICTIONARY OF EARLY CHRISTIAN BELIEFS, David W. Bercot, Editor, Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody, MA, 7th Printing, March 2008, ISBN 978-1-56563-357-5
9 The Encyclopedia Americana; a library of universal … v.27. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=wu.89094370806&view=1up&seq=347&q1=unitarianism
10 The Biblical Timeline, http://timeline.biblehistory.com/home

© copyright 2009-2023 Mark W Smith, All rights reserved. Last revised 1/13/2023

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  1. Pingback: Almost in our Bible, But Certainly Considered Scriptural by Some: 1Clement of Rome | OriginalChristianity.Net

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