Speak Koine (Biblical) Greek 9 – Matthew 22:37a

Speak Koine (Biblical) Greek 9 – Matthew 22:37a

Remember that English and Koine Greek are very different languages.  One of the places that you’ll see that is in the article getting “the”.  In Matthew: 22:37 we are going to find the English word “the” three times, but it is going to be three different koine Greek words.

Variations of Koine Greek for "the" in this verse

If you want an explanation, it boils down to this: nouns, and all modifiers to nouns such as in this instance, articles, have different endings depending on number, gender, and case.  But we are getting ahead of ourselves if we try to go into what all of those are. What we are doing is more like preschool, and learning all the endings of words is what you do later, in school. For right now just remember that there are different forms of the articles, just as there are different endings and forms for the nouns and verbs. The important thing is just to remember the article for the noun in the verses that we are learning.  Likewise, it is important to realize that the nouns we are learning in these verses only sound like they do in this instance when the match number, gender, and case.

We are working on Matthew 22:37 where Jesus proclaims the greatest commandments.  This is a long verse so will divide it up into two parts. The first part is very similar to John 14:6a.

Play the link below to learn the verse in Greek and to practice.

Matthew 22:37a Audio (click link to hear audio)

And he said unto him, (Matthew 22:37a ASV)

The koine Greek for this verse looks like this:

Here is a breakdown of the Greek words and their meanings.

Matthew 22:37a Word for Word Breakdown:


Practice makes perfect.  Practice saying the verse, as well as the individual words and meanings.


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