It would be so great if we could go to a church and hear God’s instruction and be loving Christians without any doubt that what is taught there is God’s absolute truth. However, what we hear about many issues depends on the church we enter. In today’s Christianity, churches are all over the board on many issues. While God speaks on abortion, baptism, eternal security, gambling, giving, holiness, the holy spirit, leadership, salvation, scripture, sexuality (including homosexuality), the role of women in ministry, worship, and many other topics, from church to church you will hear different reports on what he commands and instructs in these and other areas.
There are several problems that this dichotomy causes:
- The incredible amount of variations possible makes it overwhelming for many Christians to try to resolve, so they don’t try.
a. Many churches don’t encourage or even tolerate real investigation into these matters.
b. Most churches have a policy where the denomination or the pastor purely decides doctrine, so there is no questioning. - This gives fuel to Christian detractors who point to how Christians can’t agree on what is true.
- People forsake trying to resolve these issues.
- The doubt caused by doctrinal confusion weakens faith
I can’t tell you how many people I have heard say that doctrine isn’t important. They don’t try to learn all the subtleties of the bible because it is too confusing and becomes a pointless exercise for them.
And there is the famous quote, “In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, and in all things charity,” upon which modern tradition has arisen. In this tradition, many of the issues that churches disagree on are considered nonessential. Of course what is essential and nonessential varies from church to church and denomination to denomination. However, that allows people to dismiss concern over so many disagreements among the many churches in the Christian faith. See T 19.1 Modern Christian Traditions – The In Essentials Unity Doctrine for more on this.
The truth is that the Bible is not always clear. According to Rick Warren, the great evangelist Billy Graham struggled with the accuracy and integrity of the Bible. In the early years of his ministry, Billy Graham struggled with doubts about the accuracy and authority of the Bible. One moonlit night, he dropped to his knees in tears and told God that, in spite of confusing passages he didn’t understand, from that point on, he would completely trust the Bible as the sole authority for his life and ministry. Billy’s life was blessed with unusual power and effectiveness from that day forward.i
This is certainly a heartwarming story. If even one as great among us as Billy Graham struggled with confusing passages, where would that leave the rest of us? I agree that we need to trust at some point, but that doesn’t diminish the need to eliminate at least some confusion over the many doctrinal disputes. Yes, we stand on our faith despite the confusion, but we must work to eliminate it.
i THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE, Rick Warren, 2002, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, p. 187
© copyright 2009-2024 Mark W Smith, All Rights Reserved Last Revised 8/31/24