Author name: Mark Smith

The Great Flood Regularly Generates Interest even among Secular Scientists – There are Hundreds of Ancient Great Flood Stories Around the World

Scripture tells us that there was a worldwide flood. God called for an extinction-level event Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of man’s heart was continually only evil. Yahweh was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved […]

The Great Flood Regularly Generates Interest even among Secular Scientists – There are Hundreds of Ancient Great Flood Stories Around the World Read More »

H5  Gay Pride Month – Homosexuality as a Current Example of Indoctrination in the World, A little of the History of Same-Sex Relationships and Gay Pride, Deliverance is Available

Table of Contents Introduction.  The indoctrination of LGBTQ+ has all the appearances of a coordinated effort.  There is No Proven Genetic Basis for Saying People are Born Gay.  Similarly, there is a Possible Genetic Basis for People to Lie and Do Other Dishonest Behavior.  Churches Have Often Been Unsuccessful in Helping Christians With Same Sex

H5  Gay Pride Month – Homosexuality as a Current Example of Indoctrination in the World, A little of the History of Same-Sex Relationships and Gay Pride, Deliverance is Available Read More »

15.1.1 Erasmus of Rotterdam; Translator, Researcher, And Humanist Pioneer; The Movement Back to Evaluating Greek Manuscripts To Get To The Originals;  The Danger in Integrating Christianity and Worldly Philosophies Or Religions

The Reformation was never the work of a solitary man bravely facing all others. In fact, there were pre-Protestants going back as far as the eighth century and probably further. Byzantine iconoclasm was an eighth-century movement back then to eliminate all the statues and icons adorning all the churches. Protestants integrated this as part of

15.1.1 Erasmus of Rotterdam; Translator, Researcher, And Humanist Pioneer; The Movement Back to Evaluating Greek Manuscripts To Get To The Originals;  The Danger in Integrating Christianity and Worldly Philosophies Or Religions Read More »

Indoctrination and Deception Part 2 – The Trinity and Other Doctrines That Christians are Indoctrinated With – Not All Things Are Better Caught Than Taught is a website dedicated to showing the basic principles of Christianity as defined by the apostles in their writings in the New Testament. Furthermore, it is dedicated to showing how original Christianity went from a fairly unified group of people and beliefs (there are a small number of schisms in the New Testament) to

Indoctrination and Deception Part 2 – The Trinity and Other Doctrines That Christians are Indoctrinated With – Not All Things Are Better Caught Than Taught Read More »

Jesus Was Anointed, We Are Anointed And What That Means ; Anointing With Oil vs Anointing With Spirit

Preface I write to all who sincerely love the Lord Jesus Christ and desire to understand what is revealed in the scriptures as well as how to avoid the errors that have developed in Christianity, both from within and without. This website,, is concerned with finding out what really happened in original Christianity, and

Jesus Was Anointed, We Are Anointed And What That Means ; Anointing With Oil vs Anointing With Spirit Read More »

Textual Criticism; New Testament Verses That Are in Some Versions But Not Others; Anomalous Verses

Oh, that we would have just one original manuscript from which we got our scriptures. That would make it so much easier. We could truly say what I’ve heard preached from the pulpit, “the Bible says it, that settles it, I believe it.” Unfortunately, it’s just not quite that simple. Yes, there is an amazing

Textual Criticism; New Testament Verses That Are in Some Versions But Not Others; Anomalous Verses Read More »

T 1.12 Tradition in Original Christianity, Part 12, The Apostles Manifested God’s Power, Performing Miracles and Healing People, While Praying Without Ceasing

By the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people. They were all with one accord in Solomon’s porch. (Act 5:12 WEB) In the previous post, Jesus Healed People, we looked at record after record where Jesus ministered healing. A man born blind was healed, a woman with an issue

T 1.12 Tradition in Original Christianity, Part 12, The Apostles Manifested God’s Power, Performing Miracles and Healing People, While Praying Without Ceasing Read More »

Eusebius’ New Testament “Canon” only has 20 Truly Undisputed Books

One of the purposes of is to look at how Christianity started and what was originally believed and practiced, and to then look at how it developed over time, and compare that to the original.  We are doing that here with scripture, what was scripture or had scriptural status with the original Christians, how

Eusebius’ New Testament “Canon” only has 20 Truly Undisputed Books Read More »

The Sacraments Do Not Save You; Your Faith in Christ Does ; The Gospel of Salvation in the Scriptures Vs The Sacramental Life as Necessary for Salvation Gospel Part 1

He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Most gladly therefore I will rather glory in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest on me. Therefore I take pleasure in weaknesses, in injuries, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake.

The Sacraments Do Not Save You; Your Faith in Christ Does ; The Gospel of Salvation in the Scriptures Vs The Sacramental Life as Necessary for Salvation Gospel Part 1 Read More »

The Muratorian Canon

The purpose of is to look at how our church started and then morphed into the numerous diverse sects that make up the church now.  From what we can tell, what the people in the times of Jesus and the apostles considered “Scripture” was “the law, the prophets, and the Psalms” (Luke 24:44) although

The Muratorian Canon Read More »

There are Multiple Canons of Scripture in Use Today: Claims of Communal Divine Inspiration; Some Resources that Discuss the Different Canons of Scripture

Preface The position of is that the Scriptures are a collection of divinely inspired writings.  The “Scriptures” refer to those writings that are the word of God. From infancy, you have known the holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus. Every Scripture is

There are Multiple Canons of Scripture in Use Today: Claims of Communal Divine Inspiration; Some Resources that Discuss the Different Canons of Scripture Read More »

Paul Warned That There Are Other Gospels That are Distortions of the True Gospel

Prologue We are going to talk about people following other gospels.  First of all, we need to remember that we are going to be talking about people living their lives in a dark world. Yes, there are false apostles and teachers, but there are also a lot of sincere, kind people who love Jesus and

Paul Warned That There Are Other Gospels That are Distortions of the True Gospel Read More »

At the Root of Division in the Church – Denominational Theology is Rooted in Philosophy, The Nature of Philosophers to Disagree

Did Paul teach worldly philosophy? No, this is what he said about philosophy. Be careful that you don’t let anyone rob you through his philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the elements of the world, and not after Christ. (Col 2:8 WEB) Paul is differentiating here between two philosophies, one that

At the Root of Division in the Church – Denominational Theology is Rooted in Philosophy, The Nature of Philosophers to Disagree Read More »

The Value of Reading the Writings of the Early Church Fathers, a Little about John Wesley

There is a lot to be found in the writings of the church fathers but there are errors too.  I didn’t see it as clearly at first.  Many years ago, I started to become lured by the sincerity of the writings and I got to be a little like John Wesley in thinking that the

The Value of Reading the Writings of the Early Church Fathers, a Little about John Wesley Read More »

This Site has Renamed the Category “Biblical Translation and Interpretation” to “Scriptural Translation and Interpretation, The Development of the Word “Bible”

This is a simple change to more accurately reflect how the Scriptures handle the concept of scriptures. While the scriptures do use the collective word “scriptures”, there simply is no concept in the Scriptures of a collective book called a Bible or anything else that reflects the sum and substance of exactly what is and

This Site has Renamed the Category “Biblical Translation and Interpretation” to “Scriptural Translation and Interpretation, The Development of the Word “Bible” Read More »

Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh was Allowed to Show the Power of Grace and Our Dependence on God

Paul had a thorn in the flesh. By reason of the exceeding greatness of the revelations, that I should not be exalted excessively, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me, that I should not be exalted excessively. (2Co 12:7 WEB) This is such an interesting

Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh was Allowed to Show the Power of Grace and Our Dependence on God Read More »

Why Canaan Was Cursed – A Quick Study in Biblical Interpretation

(Warning – Sexual Content, Parental Guidance recommended for children) The curse of Canaan is that Canaan and his progeny were singled out to be servants of the progeny of the rest of the line of Noah. It is estimated to be right after the Flood which was about 2298 BC so perhaps 2297 BC. Different

Why Canaan Was Cursed – A Quick Study in Biblical Interpretation Read More »

The Spirit Speaks the Same Thing to Different Individuals Example in Scripture

Now I beg you, brothers, through the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfected together in the same mind and in the same judgment. (1Co 1:10 WEB) The verse above tells us that we are to

The Spirit Speaks the Same Thing to Different Individuals Example in Scripture Read More »

Same Website – Different Look – Changes currently being Applied

WordPress is a wonderful content management system that has worked well to present this information about original Christianity and how it has developed. But, after nineteen years, it stopped working for this site due to the theme and some coding of the site becoming outdated and unable to work with the WordPress program.  Also, the

Same Website – Different Look – Changes currently being Applied Read More »

Please Pray For Me

I pray for a lot of people. It is definitely expressed numerous times in the scriptures for us to do so. There are many areas for which we are directed to pray for others. For this cause, we also, since the day we heard this, don’t cease praying and making requests for you, that you

Please Pray For Me Read More »

15.2.6 Objections to the Anabaptist Call to Return to Primitive Christianity -Revised

I have revised this article published years ago to show that the view presented in the book discussed a prevailing viewpoint over the last centuries against the return to original Christianity.  I realized in reviewing the article that I did not make this clear.  Reading the article I realized it would be easy to think

15.2.6 Objections to the Anabaptist Call to Return to Primitive Christianity -Revised Read More »

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