Drinking Alcohol

I recently went to a Greek food Festival at a Greek Orthodox Church. This annual festival is a popular event around where I live. Besides some great gyros and lamb dinners, one of the stations in the festival is a bar where you can buy alcoholic beverages. That denomination not only allows drinking alcoholic beverages,

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The Argument that Tongues and other Gifts and Manifestations have Ceased

Pentecostal and charismatic churches are commonplace today, but in the not too distant past speaking in tongues and other manifestations of the spirit including miracles were somewhat taboo in the Christian Church. The official doctrine, which is called Cessation Doctrine, was that these spiritual manifestations were an apostolic phenomenon. As such they ended in the

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The New Testament Books Were Not Received as the Word of God Initially, at Least Not by Papias

If the epistles and other books of the New Testament were immediately received as the word of God then we would expect that disciples writing at that time would treat the New Testament writings with that status and respect. Unfortunately, that is not the case. There is no evidence that the New Testament writings were

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Lenten Fasting – Is it the one that the Father has chosen?

Lent started this week, and with it countless Catholics began the fasting requirements dictated by the Roman Catholic Church. “What are you giving up for lent” is often asked this time of year among Catholics. On no less than that national model of religious programming, Mike And Mike in the Morning, a significant portion of

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Prayer is Universal

Prayer is universal to most religions and is central to Christiainity. In more mainline denominations prayer appears more ritualized centering on the “the Lord’s Prayer”, and pre-written orations compared to the composed on the fly, free flowing petitions of Pentecostal and Bible centered churches. Nevertheless faithful followers in groups from Assemblies of God to Baptists

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Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Mat 4:10 Jesus quotes Deuteronomy 6:13 in this response to the devil’s attempt to get Jesus to worship the devil. This speaks to the high importance of the worship

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LP0.1 Only The Law and the Prophets Had Divine Status Initially

Some things in Christian churches are assumed. Even though there is no proof, these tenets are accepted without question. For example, some assume water baptism every time the word “baptism” is used. Some assume that the 66 books in the Protestant Bible are the Word of God, complete and entire. Another assumption is that the

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The Result of Churches Teaching Different Things While Claiming to be Led of The Spirit

It would be so great if we could go to a church and hear God’s instruction and be loving Christians without any doubt that what is taught there is God’s absolute truth. However, what we hear about many issues depends on the church we enter. In today’s Christianity, churches are all over the board on

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Churches, Teaching Differing Doctrines, Claim They Are Led of the Spirit

An incredible point in the middle of all the division among Christian believers is that so many churches claim the leading of the Holy Spirit. Look at some of these statements from church and denominational materials. Here are a Methodist statement: We have, therefore expected that the Discipline would be administered, not, merely as legal

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It Is Not That Issues Should Divide Us But That, Sadly, Issues Do Divide Us

Let’s address a common response to church divisions taught in the Churches. Years ago John Wesley made a distinction between “essentials” and “non-essentials” and appears to use the Bible properly as a guide. “Essentials” includes the doctrines of the Bible (baptism, salvation, etc.) while “non-essentials” includes topics such as foods, hymns, and practices. Lately, however,

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What the Lord is Doing: Christianity Is Real In Spite Of Biblical Disputes and Arguments

Jesus therefore answered and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father doing: for what things soever he does, these the Son also does in like manner. John 5:19 The above verse talks about how Jesus did what he did by

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